KOVE is slowly rebuilding our activities, whilst keeping an eye on precautions re social distancing in enclosed spaces. We have resumed our Wednesday walks programme. Please click on the links below for a taste of what KOVE has to offer.
KOVE's activities for the over-60s include:
Bench-to-Bench walks - twice a month to places of interest and/or natural beauty, in and around Camden. Free refreshments are provided at the end.
Reel local cinema club - a matinee programme one afternoon per month.
KOVE's own short films - which focus the day-to-day life issues facing older people.
Events - KOVE occasionally arranges meetings or visits with partners in the wider community.
To discover more about any of these, click on the underlined title.
KOVE also organises community forums - some neighbourhood based, others focus on particular health issues, such as arthritis and stroke. To read more, use the pull-down menu under Activities (on the navigation bar at the top of this page).
To download a membership form, please click this link.