Kilburn Debates

KOVE's Age Research Forum event was held on Thursday 8 March 2018 at Kingsgate Community Centre, 107 Kingsgate Road, NW6 2JH. Over 40 people attended and there was lively discussion and debate.
This event featured expert speakers in street environment and community development. The matters arising from the debate are relevant for all urban areas. The main speakers were: Dr Elizabeth Webb, Southampton University, 'Crossing the road in time: What's to be done?' and Dr Farhan Samanani, Cambridge University, 'Building community on the go: lessons from and for Kilburn.' The event was facilitated by Dr John Miles, KOVE Research Associate.
For more information about the outcomes of the event, see Dr John Miles's blog: https://ageingissues.wordpress.com/2018/03/17/age-friendly-hard-times-crossing-the-stressful-streets/