2021 was a difficult year, with the deaths of four members of our Steering Group, including the Chair, Ags Irwin, plus a founding member aged 100. Please go to the Announcements sub-page to read more about Ags, Claude James, Margaret Gibbs, Myra Newman, Nancy Brabazon and also Pran Handa, who died in December 2019.
Moving forward
2022 has seen some new developments. To commemorate 20 years since KOVE was founded we have published a booklet, KOVE@20, which charts the history of the group and its campaigns via community film-making. Find out more about KOVE's short films here. To obtain a print copy of KOVE@20, please email info@kove.org.uk or to download click here or on the icon.
Bench-to-Bench Walks
Our Wednesday afternoon walks programme has resumed. Slightly longer walks, sometimes further afield, take place on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, with a new programme of short local walks, volunteer-led and centred on the Kilburn and West Hampstead areas, on the third Wednesdays.
Email l.stuart.555@btinternet.com or phone 07773 267505 to find out more.
KOVE community forum is a monthly get-together to discuss local issues, meeting at the Kiln theatre on Kilburn High Road, 11am on the first Tuesday of each month.
Activity days are held on the first and third Fridays of the month, 11am at Sidings Community Centre, 150 Maygrove Road, NW6 2BA. Both the Kiln and Sidings are drop-ins; contact Lynda Stuart if you want more information.
Kilburn & West Hampstead Pensioners meets monthly on the third Thursday,1.30pm at Sycamore Community Hall, 29 West End Lane, NW6 4NY. For information about forthcoming events please contact Peter Lush: tel: 7973 845285 or email peter56nw@outlook.com
KOVE benches on Kilburn High Road
KOVE has received assurances from Brent's environment team that our long-delayed new community benches on Kilburn High Road should be installed in the near future, one near Coventry Close and the other near Sainsburys Local. This is a part of the Kilburn High Road improvement scheme. The focus will be on pedestrian safety and widening pavements. We will let you know about developments when we can.